Caps 4 Gear 2024 is closed. If you submitted an order be sure to send in your caps postmarked before 2/14/25.
Coming April 4th - Caps 4 Gear 2025
Please contact caps4gear@jonessoda.com with any questions, comments or updates.
Please find available 2023 items below. We'll be adding more items, experiences, and other wild goodies as the year progresses so be sure to check back often. Select your gear (2 max) then fill out the form to complete your Caps 4 Gear order. Be sure to send your order information with your caps! After you click submit, you will be prompted to print it out. Don't worry, we'll also email you! Please contact caps4gear@jonessoda.com with any questions, comments or updates.
By clicking the submit button, you agree to the Jones Soda Privacy Policy and opt in to recieve promotional emails from us which may include special offers, product information, or company updates. You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails.
Get ready for exclusive items for true Jones fans! We’re giving you a chance to put your caps towards unique gear/experiences. You can participate as many times as you like. The two-item maximum only applies to our regular Caps 4 Gear program. You MUST have the amount of caps you bid in order to claim the item as the winner. The winner will be the person who has bid the highest cap count at the end of the auction period.
So without further ado, here is the auction item up for grabs:

We're not quite ready to launch. Check back soon!!
Get your photo on a regularly distributed Jones Soda label AND choose the flavor it’s featured on**

**Official rules: OPEN TO LEGAL RESIDENTS OF AGE IN THE FIFTY (50) UNITED STATES OR DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA AND CANADA THROUGHOUT THE PROMOTIONAL PERIOD. Promotional period from JULY 17th, 2023 at 12:00am PT to AUGUST 17th, 2023 at 11:59pm PT. Bids from employees, retailers, distributors, resellers, groups, clubs or organizations will not be honored. One (1) winner will receive one (1) Mini Fridge, one (1) 12 pack of JONES Soda, one (1) JONES t-shirt, one (1) JONES hat, and assorted JONES stickers (ARV $200). Winner is the person with the highest bid at the end of the promotional period. If there is a tie, it will go to the person who submitted the highest bid first. Caps must be shipped to Jones HQ within 60 days of notification. Shipment tracking is HIGHLY encouraged. Jones Soda is not responsible for lost caps. Caps used for auction items cannot also count towards regular Caps For Gear program items. If caps are not received within 60 days, winner forfeits caps (if shipped) and auction item. A secondary winner may be chosen.